Be sure to check out the referral sections, since it will help you to get downlines quicker. You will also need to register, if you want to post on the sites.
Step 2: Create a separate e-mail account
This is vital if you hope to maintain your sanity. Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Gmail, it's really up to you. Be sure to set your spam settings relatively low, or else you won't receive some emails. I'm using Yahoo Mail, since it has a free POP3 option that allows me to download the messages (using an email software such as Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird), and view them offline. An email program is great for sorting out your emails into folders before you even read them.
Step 3: Select an Online Payment Processor
There are a few of these out there. Some are better than others, depending on your needs and on your geographical location. Paypal is, by far, the most popular worldwide. It is not your only option, thankfully, but it is one of the more stable and accepted ones.
Step 4: Selecting Programs to Signup
There is a huge range of options, depending on how much time (and money) you're willing to invest. For those with limited $$$, it would be best to stick with PTR/PTC/PTP sites. Autosurfs are generally more risky and require some capital outlay.
PTR - Paid to Read (Emails)
PTC - Paid to Click
PTP - Paid to Promote
Many sites offer a mixture of these three. Earnings from PTR/PTC range from 0.01 cent up to 5c per click. Anything that offers more than 10c per click, well 99.9% of the time, those are scams! Obviously, you don't want to be endlessly clicking on 0.01 cent ads, do you? 0.1 cent is probably the lowest I would look for. Those that offer PPC search ads typically offer between 0.25c and 1c per click. Sign up for a few, not too many, or you might go nuts (like me).
Avoid the sites that offer more than $50 minimum payout. Your chances of seeing that money are rather low, and it's usually better not to put all your eggs in one basket.
Step 5: Create a personal website to promote your PTRs/etc
Make it simple. Easy to navigate. Better yet, use a blog. Blogs are easy to use and don't require much HTML knowledge. There are quite a number of sites that offer free webhosting, but many of them have bandwidth limits. The site below has unlimited bandwidth... great for promoting it everywhere.

GetAPortal offers an interesting affiliate program. You get commission for introducing people to sign up for their web hosting. You even get a commission from members who sign up for FREE web hosting. Of course, the real earnings are from the paid web hosting. In addition, Getaportal has a partnership program with a number of PPC search engines. By using GetaPortal to promote one of the search engines, the ad banners from GetaPortal will be removed. I am currently signed up to DiggySearch, which accepts most traffic from US, Canada and Western Europe.
But, why promote your GPT links? Most GPT sites offer a simple referral system that allows you to earn a percentage of earnings from people you refer to their site. In recent months, Paypal has been cracking down on GPT sites that appear to be borderline MLM due to multi-level referral systems. This hasn't been confirmed, but as a general rule, sites with a single referral level should be safe, provided they don't violate any other terms of service (TOS).
The important thing to remember, is not to get rattled by the torrent of emails. Pace yourself. It's not a matter of life or death. It shouldn't have to be a chore.
In case you missed it, here's my GPT list.